Last week we had the opportunity as a team to take a sabbath out at Pedernales Falls State Park. As I sat gazing over the serene beauty of the Texas Hill Country I began to read through Genesis. I was impressed by this: While we wait waters rush by, trees blossom and clouds form. While we wait the wind whips through the trees and we exist because God made it so! I'm not trying to be all cool and into nature here - but it is simply amazing how the world spins and humankind exists and God holds all of this together by his word of power! (Colossians 1:17). During this time tried my best to sit still before the Lord and wait to hear his voice. So I read in the book of Genesis and of Abram, and of how God lead him from place to place: Here's what I wrote in my journal:
Sitting in the cleft of the rock, at Pedernales Falls State Park, gazing at the shaded green - spotted landscape, the clouds whisper in the sky of grey blue, and the rocks are unmoving. I listen and hear the sound of rushing waters and wind blowing through the oak and cedar and I behold the Lord's creation.
I sit still and listen
I sit still and read of Abram's journey to the oaks of Mamre and I think of God's love and care for his creation and for Abram. God called Abram to a specific location in creation. His hand was leading Abram. And God is also calling me, by name. He is leading me by his mighty hand. I am made in his image. I am his. Where he leads, where he calls me I will go. Amen.
While reading this story of Abram, I was struck with the parallel to my own life: God is leading me somewhere specific at the end of this residency and I must trust him and I must listen. In Genesis chapter 13, The Lord says to Abram:
"Arise, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.” So Abram moved his tent and came and settled by the oaks of Mamre, which are at Hebron, and there he built an altar to the Lord. Genesis 13:17-18
I am confident in the way the Lord is leading me. Just as he holds the planets in place and puts breath in my lungs so he will lead me and establish the boundaries of my dwelling place! (Acts 17:26)
The past several weeks have been full of meetings and interviews with potential churches, helping with worship intensives and collective gatherings. During this time I was able to complete a couple recordings in the Austin Stone Studios with studio residents: Wes Ardis and Logan Garza. These guys are incredible friends and some of the most talented folks I know! A couple more shout outs to my sister Emma Ramsey, for laying some vocal tracks, my friend, Fernando Rodriguez for playing drums and friend, Zach Harrisberger for playing piano on this EP! Also thank you to Aaron Ivey for letting us use the studio! Check it out here on my MUSIC page or just click below!