(Graffiti created in Photoshop). This concept was used as a way to inspire the Church to have hearts of servants - spreading the love of Jesus throughout our city. (1 Corinthians 4:1)
Even before Hurricane Harvey hit our coast, God inspired the leadership at The Austin Stone with this concept: "Let's Fill This Town With Servants". God placed this phrase in the hearts of our church in order to remind us of the gospel and of what God is calling us to as a body of believers.
This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Corinthians 4:1
The weekend Harvey hit the worship leadership immediately kicked into high gear and sent a team with boats and supplies to serve Houston. In addition our monthly Worship Collective transformed into a mobilization effort to call our church to serve Houston with immediate financial and physical needs. It was incredibly encouraging to witness and be a part of the response of our church!
Thursday night we sent out messages to all church campuses to bring supplies to The For The City Center were the Worship Collective gathers. After worship and an encouraging word, a specific call to action was made to all our volunteers. Signup stations were put in the foyer and everyone was encouraged to take immediate action. It was incredible to see our people jump in and help! The following week I drove to Houston and met up with a team from the campus I serve at. Together we helped my cousin and a neighbor with demo work. What a blessing it was to serve alongside my fellow brothers and sisters!
The need is on-going as you can imagine. Please continue to pray for Houston and about signing up to help financially or physically. You can do that Here: Bayou City Relief . Let us be reminded that Jesus is calling us to work for eternal things and this means serving our city and our neighbors. This is the gospel in action.
For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. 1 Corinthians 9:19
The great part about all this is that serving never ends. We are called to a life of servanthood in Christ Jesus. But this is not bondage, it is freedom! We all serve something: Either we serve ourselves and our interest or we serve Christ. And if we serve Christ we will serve and love our neighbor. That's why Jesus says in Matthew, "no one can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24).
The following week we served our student ministry with a night of worship, teaching and fellowship on Wednesday night. Thursday night we also served our South College ministry with a night of worship. Wednesday was also Jahnabell and Sawyer's first day of school (Mother's day out). They are loving it! They are the cutest!
This week was just as crazy (good). I served at the Austin Stone Worship Intensive, which is a mini conference that worship pastors from around the nation attend. We share meals with them, talk about what God taught each person on staff through years of ministry - iron sharpening iron. God is good. My heart is full. Once again I am inspired by God's word and by his love for all humanity. My goal the rest of this year is to "be a leader worth following".